Gluten intolerant founder Peter Franck began brewing traditional beers and removed the gluten content to gluten free levels through special processing. Author of nutrition book titled "I AM STRONG FROM FAT", Peter took the power of food and merged it with both traditional American brewing, as well as ancient beer dating back thousands of years. The result is a unique, refreshing beer that suits both taste and the body.
GRUIT is a term that refers to beer like concoctions that use herbals and other (non-hops) ingredients as the bittering agent(s). All Plant Bier includes significant elements of herbs: a significant element of ancient gruit.
BEER HISTORY in a nutshell (with respect to botanics): Prior to the year 1516, all beer was FULL of botanics and herbs!! If you independently research the history of beer, you will concur. Due to a variety of socioeconomic factors, laws were passed and beer in Western Europe was limited to only hops, grains, yeast and water. These same laws remain in effect to this day and are even enforced in certain jurisdictions.
HOPS ARE SO PASSE'!! Beer has been around for over 7,000 years. Only in the recent 1,200 years were hops introduced. Prior to that, all beer was produced ('bittered') using botanics and herbs. Hop heavy IPAs will fade away when the world begins to acknowledge the following medicinal power of hops.
Hops are a powerful sedative and are the strongest version of estrogen in a plant form on Earth (called phytoestrogen). If you have low E (like low T for men), are having hot flashes from menopause, your herbalist will likely educate you on the estrogenic power of hops. Consequently, the double IPA that you enjoy regularly is a double dose of the most powerful phytoestrogens on Planet Earth.
His background includes a BS in Biology from Tulane University, 4 years as a Scientist/Chemist, and 12 years in medicine manufacturing.
"The average American consumes 218 beers annually. I see that as 218 opportunities to improve one's health and wellness. For thousands of years beer was a primary platform for health and nutrition. With the loss of herbs and spices in most American beer, our society has lost touch with the incredibly positive aspects that beer can deliver."
"Even minimal consumption of powerful herbs and spices can have massive impacts on one's health.”
"Hops are a great example. Again, hops are a POWERFUL phytoESTROGEN. If you are a man going for man boobs, your hop loaded double IPA is for you. Regular consumption of hops is known to increase breast size in both men and women." JOIN THE ANCIENT BEER CRUSADE and share the information with your fellow man boob, IPA drinking friend!
HOPS CAUSE MAN BOOBS BRO!! DM us for proof: NIH (National Institute of Health) scientifically sound and accepted data!!
botanic bier.